Dr. Suman Kalyan Samanta
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur​
Location: Room No. 701 (Office), 713 (Lab)
Tower-A, JCG-PCR Building
Phone: +91-3222-283340 (Office)
+91-3222-269760 (Lab)
Ph.D. (2011): In Supramolecular and Soft Materials Chemistry from the Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, India.
Advisor: Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya
Thesis Title: Design, Synthesis and Properties of Novel Oligo-Phenylenevinylene based Supramolecular Photochromic Gels and Soft Composites with Nanomaterials.
Received Best Thesis Award (The Guha Research Medal)
M.Sc. (2006): In Chemistry (Organic Chemistry Specialization) from Rajabazar Science College, Kolkata, University of Calcutta, India.
Secured First Class First rank (Gold Medal) in the University.
B.Sc. (2004): In Chemistry (Honors) from City College, Kolkata, University of Calcutta, India.
Professional Experiences
Assistant Professor (Jul 2018 – Present)
At the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IITKgp), India
Postdoctoral Scholar (Feb 2017 – Jul 2018)
At the Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea.
Research Topic: Synthesis of Small Molecular and Polymeric Semiconductors for Organic Electronic Devices
Advisor: Prof. Joon Hak Oh
Research Associate-II (Dec 2015 – Jan 2017)
At the Director’s Research Unit, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India.
Research Topic: Polymer Networks for Dye Absorption and Catalysis
Advisor: Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Jul 2013 – Aug 2015)
At the Department of Macromolecular Chemistry and Institute for Polymer Technology, Wuppertal University, Germany.
Research Topic: Conjugated Polymers and Polymer Networks for Organic Electronics and Gas Storage Applications
Advisor: Prof. Ullrich Scherf
Research Associate (Aug 2011 – Jun 2013)
At the Department of Organic Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
Research Topic: Pheromone Nanogels for Pest Management
Advisor: Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya
Awards & Honors
Awarded Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Germany) on March 2013
Achieved Best Thesis Award (The Guha Research Medal) from IISc, Bangalore for the academic year 2011-12
Research Associate fellowship from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 2011-2013
Awarded Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) fellowships (JRF and SRF), 2006-2011
Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by CSIR- UGC, India, on June, 2006
Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), February 2006
Amulya Kumar Saha best prize for securing highest marks in M.Sc (2006)
Gold Medal in M.Sc. for secured highest mark (University of Calcutta, 2006)
Professional Affiliations
Review Editor, Frontiers in Electronic Materials (Section: Optoelectronic Materials), Frontiers Publishing (Aug, 2021-Present)
Lifetime member of the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI): Jun, 2023 onwards
Life Member of The Society for Polymer Science, India (SPSI): Aug, 2023 onwards
Short Biography
Suman Kalyan Samanta was born in West Bengal, India, in 1983. He received his B.Sc. (2004) and M.Sc. (2006) in Chemistry from the University of Calcutta. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2011 from the Indian Institute of Science under the tutelage of Prof. Santanu Bhattacharya. In 2013, he joined Prof. Ullrich Scherf’s group at Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, as Alexander von Humboldt fellow for his postdoctoral studies on conjugated polymer and polymer network synthesis. He completed his second postdoc in the group of Prof. Joon Hak Oh at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea, in optoelectronic device applications of organic materials (small molecules and conjugated polymers) for field-effect transistors, organic solar cells and light-emitting diodes. His research interests include design, synthesis, and characterization of chromophoric functional organic molecules, conjugated polymers, porous polymer networks, supramolecular chemistry, nanomaterials, physical gels, and optoelectronic device applications. He has co-authored more than 32 peer-reviewed International journals. He has received prestigious awards including Gold medal in MSc, Best Thesis Award (The Guha Research Medal) in Ph.D. and Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (Germany) in postdoc.